Earth-16 Comics Wire Podcast Season 3, Episode 2: The Comic Collector

In this episode, Brendon Rooney and I speak with Psychiatrist Dr. Paul Rashid, the creator of The Comic Book Collector, a short documentary film about his mission to giveaway his comic books to children. We had fun chatting about this awesome story and so much more. 

You can follow the Earth-16 Comics Wire on Twitter: @Earth16Podcast

Instagram: earth16comicswire

If you want to find out more information on the Comic Book Collection, you can go to the Kickstarter page: 

2020 So Far…And What I Am Starting to Realize….

As 2020 has progressed, I must admit that I have been very busy but mostly spiritually, socially, and spiritually fatigued with everything that has been going on. I haven’t written a blog post in awhile, I haven’t done a podcast segment since May, and I have barely started on my other goals or endeavors. What’s going on here? Didn’t I just write a blog post in the beginning of the year about how awesome this year was going to be?

A lot of it has to do with myself trying to make sense of the current social climate of my country, the United State of America. We are in a socially and politically triggered year. A year where the world got hit with a gnarly virus that has taken a lot of lives, young and old. A year where we have seen an white cop murder a black man by pressing his knee on his neck. A year where that murder sparked thousands of protest, in that black man’s name, around the country. A year where the election for the highest office in the land is being contested between two candidates from both dissonant and opposing political parties.

2020 was promised to be a great year for many. Many had plans on what they were hoping or going to do that year. Personally, I was excited about attending Phoenix Fan Fusion, like I always have for the last three years but could not due to it being cancelled thanks to the Coronavirus. I have seen more news about the George Floyd protests led by Black Lives Matter than I have about the latest comic books coming out this year. I have also seen more news about the upcoming 2020 Election than I have of the latest developments in the world of comics books, novels, anime, and, journalism.

But as I write this, I ask myself why I have been reading or watching those news stories. Do I consume all of that to see even a sliver of hope that these protests will stop or that people, for once in their life, put aside politics and dream, work, and build for America’s better tomorrow? Or do I do it just because I want to see what happens next? Does this make me insane? Does this make me crave politics more than I care to admit?

Maybe..maybe I am anxious and scared of what is to come.

In no way am I bashing those current events and the outlets presenting them. As a matter of fact, I know that they are very important stories and they need to be told. After all, as an aspiring journalist, I understand that it is the job of the press to inform the masses about the events going on in our country and the world.

But it doesn’t take reading a copious amounts of those stories to realize that 2020 is indeed a challenging year. And it has everyone on the edge of their seat. Like me, many people are watching closely and waiting to see what happens next. Maybe they are still hoping that all this crap that we are witnessing will be ephemeral and just fade away. Maybe they are wanting someone or something to make all of that happen. Or at least provide people with an escape.

And there is where I have my epiphany with 2020.

There is a reason why I do podcasts and talk about comic books. It’s because I enjoy it and I want others to do just the same. I want to pass on my joy to other people. As important as the current events are, I cannot let them siphon the energy that I can be using to do express my admiration and knowledge of comic books. Even on this day, I see awesome writers and creators like Angel Young of the Wandering Nerd Girl, Bryant and Barbara Dillon of the Fanbase Press, Felicia Day, and many others still go out and do their thing. Why can’t yours truly?

I believe that God brought me to this Earth to not only inform you, but entertain you and be creative.

Which is why I am happy to announce that the Earth-16 Comics Wire Podcast will be returning on August 1 starting with my take and review on Christopher Priest’s Deathstroke vs. Batman. I will also be looking for comic book creators (writers, artists, letterers, colorist, inkers, etc) to chat with for my podcast. Deathstroke vs. Batman will kick off Season Two of the Earth-16 Comics Wire.

I will also be doing Youtube videos or streams related to comics and me playing video games. And this blog is also a part of that as well where I will be posting my new project, the Bonfire Rabbit, which is a story about a young man who has lost his creative edge and has had to settle for mediocre life until one day, all of that changes.

If you are feeling fatigued or bogged down by the current events, just remember that you have an outlet where you can sit back, relax, laugh, and have fun. I want to provide that for you. It is my job and it is about time that I did that. And I am going to do everything within my power to provide that for you and myself.

I will be providing you with some updates on Twitter and Instagram in regards to the Earth-16 Comics Wire. And I will also be attending San Diego Comic Con digitally and maybe I might do some videos on it to give you my take on it.

Let’s go have some fun!

Relaunching The Boy Wonder Press Podcast and Blogsite!!!

Hello everyone!

It has been awhile since I have blogged on this site but, it was due to doing a lot of meditating. Right now,  I realized that I want to have fun by doing what I love and that is writing and talking about comic books. That’s right peeps, I am going to be relaunching the Boy Wonder Press!

What inspired me to relaunch my site is my current stint on the DC Comics Geeks Nation Podcast (Not affiliated with DC Comics). I currently host the Flashcast where I discuss everything related to the Flash including the comics and the CW Network TV Series. As I did more segments, I realize that there is so much more to write and talk about when it comes to comics and geekdom. The late Will Eisner, the creator of The Spirit, and writer J. Michael Straczynski, inspired me to revamp the Boy Wonder Press.  In addition the Boy Wonder Press relaunching, I will still be doing the Flashcast and DC Discussion on Geeks Nation Podcast.

In the Boy Wonder Press, I will be doing written and audio comic book reviews. I will also provide honest and objective commentary on the news surrounding all things related to DC, Marvel, Image, TV shows, and anime.

Commentating on comics and all thing geek is so fun. Analyzing characters whether heroic or villainous is pure joy. Comparing the unique worlds to ours is an awesome and sobering experience. Whenever I delve into any topic I talk about, I always learn something new and that is a really cool experience. I have the Creative Writing department at UC Riverside and an AP English teacher at high school to credit for helping me develop my penchant for learning from reading an analyzing the stories and characters. I am looking forward to doing more of this on the Boy Wonder Press and also the DC Comics Geeks Nation.

You can find me on WordPress, Youtube, Anchor, and Podbean. Very soon, I will be launching my Patreon account and many other accounts.

I am excited for this new chapter in my life and looking forward to sharing it with you, constant readers and listeners alike! Until then and as I always say….

Stay ever so awesome!

-Brian reporting from the Boy Wonder Press on Earth-16